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OMSD Journal

The OMSD Journal is published approx. 2 times a year.

See a list of content here

OMSD Books

OMSD has published several books with content related to orders and medals.

See a list of the books here

OMSD Publishing

Ordenshistorisk Forlag is a publisher who - independent from OMSD - publishes books about orders and medals.

See the list of books here

Members of the board
President Vice president
Sven Philip Jørgensen
Sven Philip
Jan René Westh
Jan René Westh
Treasurer Member
Lars Søndergaard
Lars Søndergaard
Lars Stevnsborg
Lars Stevnsborg
Webmaster Substitute
Michael Rindsig
Michael Rindsig
Anders Vidstrup
Anders Vidstrup

Honorary members of OMSD

His Royal Highness Peter, Prince of Greece, Prince to Denmark

His Royal Highness Peter, Prince of Greece, Prince to Denmark  (*1908 − †1980)

Appointed honorary member of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark on the 6th of December 1978 to recognize the Prince's big interest in the works of the OMSD and the construction of the OMSD Collection.

Poul Ohm Hieronymussen

Poul Ohm Hieronymussen  (*1908 − †1991)

Appointed honorary member of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark on the 6th of June 1986 in recognition of his large contribution to OMSD (of which he was one of the founders) and as an author of books with phaleristic content.

Prince Dimitri Romanoff

Prince Dimitri Romanoff  (*1926 − †2016)

Appointed honorary member of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark on the 20th of April 2008 for a long term contribution to phaleristic research and for being an author of a comprehensive list of phaleristic books.

Hans Levin Hansen

Hans Levin Hansen  (*1931)

Appointed honorary member of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark on the 15th of March 2017 for a long lasting achievement for the Society as president, editor and author plus an excellent diplomatic effort as the Society's representative.

Tom C. Bergroth

Tom C. Bergroth  (*1951)

Appointed honorary member of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark on the 4th of April 2022 as a recognition of his huge contribution to phaleristics, for numerous presentations and exhibitions and for his contributions to phaleristic literature.

Peter Ohm Hieronymussen

Peter Ohm Hieronymussen  (*1940)

Appointed honorary member of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark on the 12th of March 2024 as a recognition of his huge contribution to the Society, which he became a member of in 1966. He was the Society's president 1991-2011 and has contributed numerous presentations, articles and book to the field of phaleristics. Peter Ohm Hieronymussen was for many years the owner of ribbon and miniature supplier M.W. Mørch og Søns Eftf., where he took over from his father in 1990.