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OMSD Journal

The OMSD Journal is published approx. 2 times a year.

See a list of content here

OMSD Books

OMSD has published several books with content related to orders and medals.

See a list of the books here

OMSD Publishing

Ordenshistorisk Forlag is a publisher who - independent from OMSD - publishes books about orders and medals.

See the list of books here

Members of the board
President Vice president
Sven Philip Jørgensen
Sven Philip
Jan René Westh
Jan René Westh
Treasurer Member
Lars Søndergaard
Lars Søndergaard
Lars Stevnsborg
Lars Stevnsborg
Webmaster Substitute
Michael Rindsig
Michael Rindsig
Anders Vidstrup
Anders Vidstrup

Membership of OMSD

I hereby apply for a membership of the Orders and Medals Society of Denmark.
As a member I am obliged to obey the rules of OMSD.


After admitting the form and paying the admission and membership fee, I will be contacted by OMSD.


Admission fee: DKK 150
Annual membership fee: DKK 400
The admission fee includes a small 'welcome package' from OMSD.


Payment information:

IBAN DK28 3000 3001 014390 - BIC DABADKKK
Danske Bank
Holmens Kanal 2
DK-1090 Copenhagen
Ordenshistorisk Selskab (att. Lars Søndergaard)