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Event summary - How to wear (and how not to wear) decorations

There are guides for how to wear decorations, but are they being followed?
Event summary - How to wear (and how not to wear) decorations

French life saver
Photo from OMSD Journal no. 54

The subject of this event turned out to be popular and took place in the beautiful meeting room of the Maritime Association at Nyholm, Copenhagen on October 11th. The expectations were generously met. Presenter Lars Stevnsborg opened with a summary of the various guides to the wearing of decorations, that actually exist in e.g. Denmark, United Kingdom and England. But alas - as illustrated throughout the evening - a decorated person may have heard of the rules, maybe even read the rules, but clearly not understood them.

We were shown examples of medals worn with the reverse showing instead of the obverse, a knight cross on the right side of the chest, a gentleman wore his medal in a ladies' bow. We also saw examples of women wearing the Order of Dannebrog Commander's Cross in the most peculiar ways. The gentlemen were just as bad - breast stars on the breast pocket and sashes around the neck.

In the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand it is custom to wear 'family decorations' on the right side of the chest, e.g. a son can wear his deceased father's decoration on Armistice Day, November 11th.

Unfortunately, we were also shown examples of 'stolen valour', i.e. the wearing of an order or medal that the individual was never awarded. Canada is one of the countries with no tolerance for this.

We also saw examples of 'the more, the merrier' - old postcards from the early 1900s showing French life savers with the entire chest covered in medals. Photos of high ranking North Korean officers or officers from the old Soviet Union came to mind.

It was definitely an interesting , fun and - at times - sad presentation, that gave food for thought.